Lower School

Academic Program

Our academic program is personalized and tailored to the unique needs of every child.

Cornerstone Christian Academy uses the Accelerated Christian Education (A.C.E.) curriculum. A.C.E. provides the most self-instructional, mastery-based curriculum available.  Some distinctive of the A.C.E. program are as follows:

  • Places child at exact academic level based on his ability through diagnostic testing

  • Incorporates goal setting, Godly character building, and Biblical principles.

  • Utilizes multimedia and computer technology

  • Offers a superb education that is affordable

  • Encourages parental involvement

  • Stresses uniqueness of every individual

  • Teaches critical thinking skills

  • Produces academic excellence

Our academy houses a Christian elementary school in Statesville, North Carolina. We are confident that by attending our school, your child will grow and thrive academically and spiritually. Our mission is to ensure that your child builds a solid academic foundation in a Christ-centered environment. 

At our Christian lower learning center, which caters to students in grades K-6, we offer a unique learning environment that values Christian principles while also meeting the individual talents and abilities of every student. Our goal is to deliver a customized learning experience that your child needs and deserves. 

We also recognize that social learning is equally important, and our academic programs at our Christian lower learning center are complemented by activities such as music, art, and computer classes.

If you’re interested in taking a tour of our lower school, please contact us at Cornerstone Christian Academy today. We would be delighted to show you all that our Christian elementary school has to offer your child.

Meet the Lower School Administration Team

  • Carmen Bandy

    Principal - Lower School

  • Juliana Tompkins

    Executive Assistant - Lower School

  • Kelly Lackey

    Data Manager