The HOUSE System

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Originally developed in British boarding schools as far back as the 1800s, the "house system" was established as a means to support and encourage students in their academic and social lives while apart from their families. The students actually lived in houses with the faculty and students with whom they were grouped, hence the name.

Program Overview

Cornerstone students and faculty in grades 3-12 are assigned into four distinct Houses. Each House has its own unique characteristics: namesake, crest, colors, Scripture, and symbols. Each House is led by one faculty member and several student leaders. The Houses compete for points in a wide variety of categories throughout the school year, including academics, sports, community service, and attendance.

The House System at Cornerstone Christian Academy aims to develop a school culture that encourages spiritual, social, and emotional growth through Christ-centered relationships and activities grounded in the truth that with Christ, no one is left behind.

1 Corinthians 12:25-27 ESV

That there may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together. Now you are the body of Christ and individually members of it.


  • Builds community within the school
  • Engages students in campus life
  • Develops student leaders
  • Strengthens relationships across grades and interests
  • Creates discipleship opportunities
  • Provides consistent and varied social experiences
  • Establishes traditions
  • Provides service opportunities
  • Assimilates new students
  • Encourages positive behavior
  • Enhances school spirit
  • Provides positive competition
  • Cultivates camaraderie
  • Increases sense of identity and belonging
  • Attracts prospective students and families
  • Increases retention in high school grades

Christian based social experience

  • The House system is a social system providing many, varied social experiences.
  • Houses are divided with a wide mix of ages, genders, interests, abilities, and personalities.
  • Students and faculty interact in a social environment, rather than strictly on an academic level.

Partners with families

The House system engages the entire family through traditions and generational involvement.

Strong Christian character

  • Students are engaged in the school, which enhances their receptiveness to the teaching and training in Christ-like character provided by the teachers and administration.
  • Student leaders are held to a high standard of Christ-like character and behavior and serve as examples for the other students.
  • Houses participate in Bible studies, accountability partners, and discipleship groups.
  • Houses can win points for the excellent character of their members, which fosters positive peer pressure to make good choices and work hard.

Servant leaders

  • Student leaders are developed through mentoring relationships with faculty and older students.
  • Students hold defined leadership responsibilities within the Houses and are held accountable.
  • Each House has six student leader positions, which means 24 student leaders for the school.
  • House leaders serve as the school-wide student government team.

Cornerstone Christian Academy is a college preparatory school, CCA partners with families to provide a Christian-based academic and social experience, developing servant leaders with strong Christian character and the skills needed to answer God's call.

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